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Character Information
Khajiit, then Alfiq
Technical Information
Voice Actors
No Voice Actors given

Jo'vanni is a Khajiit who is looking for his wife, Campaner'Ra.


Jo'vanni is first encountered in the Bannered Mare during Bloodsucker. He is wearing Noble clothes and states that he is looking for Mar'so. If you inquire about Mar'so, he will state that Mar'so is a very bad Khajiit and that he does not want to talk about it. The Dragonborn is tasked with pursuing a daedric summoner who had contact with Jo'vanni, upon meeting meeting Jo'vanni in Thus Spoke Khajiit  and exhausting all dialogue options, the Khajiit will attack the Dragonborn and you will be forced to end the mad Khajiit. His spirit request the Dragonborn retrieve Campaner'Ra's pelt and bring it to his fallen body, upon which he will be grateful.



What do you think about the Vigilants of Stendarr?

   "Khajiit heard good things and bad things. Jo'vanni cannot judge yet."

What brings you to Skyrim?

   "Jo'vanni is looking for a Khajiit. His name is Mar'so. If you see him, please tell Jo'vanni. He is a very bad Khajiit."

What did Mar'so do?

   "He... Jo'vanni does not want to talk about it. Those memories are too painful."

I thought Khajiit weren't allowed to enter the city.

   "Jo'vanni is a very good Khajiit. His purse got a little lighter, but the guards let him into the city."

Did you hear rumors about a vampire?

   "Oh, this one heard. Several men were killed near the Temple of Kynareth. Well, Khajiit will not go near it."

Thus Spoke Khajiit

Jo'vanni is looking for Campaner'Ra. His precious Campaner'Ra! Where is she?

I heard you summoned a Daedra. Is this true?

Jo'vanni tried! Jo'vanni tried with sweet skooma and liver of a skeever! But... but nothing happened! Jo'vanni did what the glowing woman told him, and nothing happened! Why?

Who was that woman?

Jo'vanni noticed... Jo'vanni is very smart. The liver of a skeever was not good enough... Jo'vanni noticed! But perhaps the liver in front of him is good. Good enough! Jo'vanni says so. Campaner'Ra will also say so!



Campaner'Ra: Jo'vanni! Jo'vanni! Wake up, Jo'vanni! It is morning!

Jo'vanni: What is it, Campaner'Ra?

Campaner'Ra: Get up, Jo'vanni! Breakfast is ready.

Jo'vanni: Alright, Campaner'Ra.

Campaner'Ra: This one made your favorite tomato soup today. It will get cold if you do not eat it quickly.

Sit down, Jo'vanni. It is bad manners to eat while standing.

Today's soup is delicious. This one is sure you will like it.

Jo'vanni: Campaner'Ra, where is skooma?

Campaner'Ra: Are you still asleep? You said you will stop skooma! You promised!

Jo'vanni: It was just a joke, Campaner'Ra.

Campaner'Ra: Enough! Soup is getting cold.


Mar'so: Pretty pelt. Such a pretty pelt. So very, very... pretty.

Jo'vanni: Mar'so... This pelt...

Mar'so: It is Campaner'Ra... Precious Campaner'Ra. Mar'so and Campaner'Ra will be together soon.

Jo'vanni: Mar'so, why...

Mar'so: Campaner'Ra would not look at Mar'so, but Mar'so wants to be with Campaner'Ra.

Jovanni: Jo'vanni will never forgive you, Mar'so!

Mar'so: Jealous, Jo'vanni? Jealousy makes one ugly... Mar'so used to be so ugly, but no more. Campaner'Ra is with him now. Goodbye, Jo'vanni. Mar'so and Campaner'Ra are going on a journey. With Campaner'Ra, Mar'so will not be cold even in wintry Skyrim.


  • Upon death, Jo'vanni yields five bottles of Skooma, a Piece of Red Stone, and the Ret Cat Ring.
  • There is no Karma loss for killing Jo'vanni despite the journal entries implying a bad deed had been committed, you will have to kill Jo'vanni to advance the questline.
  • It is strongly implied Mar'So was a rival mate, and when he couldn't obtain the love of Campaner'Ra who had already been married to Jo'vanni: he murdered her and skinned her for her pelt. This is the event that drove Jo'vanni to insanity.
  • Jo'vanni and Campaner'Ra are reincarnated into Alfiq, their reincarnations are met during the epilogue quest provided the player meets the karma requirements for a good ending.
  • Jo'Vanni, alongside Campaner'Ra and Mar'So, was most likely named after Giovanni, one of the main characters from the 1922 novel Night on the Galactic Railroad, which was adapted into the 1985 anime film of the same title.